Which is better for plants, chipped mulch or shredded mulch?

Neither. Don’t use chipped mulch OR shredded mulch. Both of those will rob the precious nitrogen from the ground that your plants need. Nitrogen is vital for healthy plants because it’s a major component of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is the compound by which plants convert sunlight into sugars from water and carbon dioxide. Nitrogen is also […]
Do I need to clean my pruning shears? How Do I prevent rust and bacteria from developing on my secateurs?

Do I need to clean my pruning shears? How do I prevent rust and bacteria from developing on my secateurs? From cutting away branches and pruning shrubs to gently snipping a beautiful flower to display in a vase, your shears can be one of the most important tools in your garden. The one thing you […]
Helpful tips for easy gardening with hassle free plants
Some plants are high maintenance and even though they may be beautiful, they are not always worth the time and money you may need to spend on them. There are many great plant choices for a low maintenance garden or patio. Try to avoid plants which require stakes, netting, support strings, etc. Delphiniums are just […]