3 Tips on planting and how to stop plants from wilting

Here are three quick tips from Blossom on Instagram to make your plants grow healthy and fast while preventing them from wilting. View this post on Instagram You will wet your plants with these unusual gardening hacks! A post shared by Blossom (@blossom) on Mar 23, 2019 at 9:20am PDT Use an ice cream coneIn […]
Earthworm research spurs farmers to act

A study of England’s farmland has found key earthworm types are rare or absent in two out of five fields and has led to the majority of farmers affected vowing to change the way they farm. The results indicate widespread, historical over-cultivation, and may explain observed declines in other wildlife, such as the song thrush, […]
UK gardeners urged to bring back the garden pond as the best way to help wildlife
The Wild About Gardens challenge encourages people to build their own pond The Wildlife Trust and the Royal Horticultural Society have joined forces to urge people across the UK to bring back the garden pond as the feature that can make the biggest difference to saving wildlife. As part of their annual Wild About Gardens campaign, it […]
Getting your garden ready for spring

Getting your garden ready for spring One of the most joyous times of year is during the first days of spring when you can watch your garden come to life. Fragrance is bursting forth from beautifully coloured beds and the chirping of happy little birds and lush greenery are all around you. A springtime garden […]
How to protect plants from frost and what to do if they’re damaged.

A winter frost can be such a beautiful thing. White and sparkling like little diamonds. It can also be deadly for your plants. When plants freeze, the water in the cells expand causing the cell walls to break. Since the cells of the plant carry the nutrient rich sap the plants require to live, the […]
Which is better for plants, chipped mulch or shredded mulch?

Neither. Don’t use chipped mulch OR shredded mulch. Both of those will rob the precious nitrogen from the ground that your plants need. Nitrogen is vital for healthy plants because it’s a major component of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is the compound by which plants convert sunlight into sugars from water and carbon dioxide. Nitrogen is also […]
So what do professional gardeners do in the winter months?

“So what do professional gardeners do in the winter months?“ It’s a question I get asked all the time. A lot of people assume there’s not a lot that can be done in the garden during the winter, however this couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact I have a little saying “what you […]
12 Festive Alternatives to Poinsettias

Do I need to clean my pruning shears? How Do I prevent rust and bacteria from developing on my secateurs?

Do I need to clean my pruning shears? How do I prevent rust and bacteria from developing on my secateurs? From cutting away branches and pruning shrubs to gently snipping a beautiful flower to display in a vase, your shears can be one of the most important tools in your garden. The one thing you […]
Thinking of growing your own veg? Here are 9 of the fastest growing vegetables for your garden.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INZQ05OG7ng Not all vegetables take from spring from fall to mature. If you’re getting a late start on your home garden or live in a region with a short growing season, fear not, there are many healthy, delicious vegetables that are quick to harvest. Here are the 9 fastest growing vegetables to get your garden jumpstarted. […]