How to increase your tomato harvest to almost 100% by simply finger flicking your flowers? [VIDEO]

Here’s a great tip from the organic gardening channel MIGardener. He shows how to flick your tomato flowers to increase your harvest from about 25% to about 100%. What would be some other great plants to try this method with?
Can compost be used as mulch? What is the purpose of compost?

Here’s a question about mulch asked by Dexter Roona. Can compost be used as mulch? What is the purpose of compost? Mulch reduces moisture evaporation, moderates the temperature of the soil, reduces compaction of the soil, suppresses weeds and should eventually break down and become part of the soil. So, in answer to your question […]
List of some herbs to grow inside the home.

Between the convenience of having flavourful herbs on hand whenever you need, and the satisfaction that comes with knowing you grew them yourself, there are lots of reasons to consider starting an indoor herb garden. Imagine seasoning your fresh tomato sauce with a few leaves of freshly picked basil, sprinkling a pinch of cilantro in […]
Earthworm research spurs farmers to act

A study of England’s farmland has found key earthworm types are rare or absent in two out of five fields and has led to the majority of farmers affected vowing to change the way they farm. The results indicate widespread, historical over-cultivation, and may explain observed declines in other wildlife, such as the song thrush, […]
Worms and their place in our soils’ delicate ecosystem

It may be doubted whether there are many other animals which have played so important a part in the history of the world, as have these lowly organised creatures. – Charles Darwin, The Formation of Vegetable Mould through the Action of Worms (1881) Here’s a very interesting article by Sarah Johnson, PhD Researcher in Environmental Science, King’s […]
Which is better for plants, chipped mulch or shredded mulch?

Neither. Don’t use chipped mulch OR shredded mulch. Both of those will rob the precious nitrogen from the ground that your plants need. Nitrogen is vital for healthy plants because it’s a major component of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is the compound by which plants convert sunlight into sugars from water and carbon dioxide. Nitrogen is also […]
Should I add diseased plants to my compost?
That’s a great question. According to, some diseased plants can be added to your compost, however, plant materials suffering from soil-borne diseases such as clubroot and white rot should not be added to a compost heap. Anything else can be safely composted in a hot heap. Diseases that don’t need living matter to survive, such […]