Here are some helpful tips for growing fruit and vegetables in and around your home.

Avoid growing plants of the same family in the same soil each year. By using crop rotation, not only will you be maintaining soil structure and nutrient levels by using crop rotation but you can also prevent diseases and pests from becoming established in the soil. Think about the roots of your plants. It’s a […]
How to fight climate change from the comfort of your own garden!

Can an individual really make a difference? How to fight climate change from the comfort of your own garden! Planting a tree is a great way to help sequester carbon emissions. Through photosynthesis trees absorb carbon dioxide to produce oxygen and wood. By ensuring that the trees planted are native broad leaf species you can […]
Getting your garden ready for spring

Getting your garden ready for spring One of the most joyous times of year is during the first days of spring when you can watch your garden come to life. Fragrance is bursting forth from beautifully coloured beds and the chirping of happy little birds and lush greenery are all around you. A springtime garden […]
Do I need to clean my pruning shears? How Do I prevent rust and bacteria from developing on my secateurs?

Do I need to clean my pruning shears? How do I prevent rust and bacteria from developing on my secateurs? From cutting away branches and pruning shrubs to gently snipping a beautiful flower to display in a vase, your shears can be one of the most important tools in your garden. The one thing you […]
What are adelgids and how do I get rid of adelgids?
Conifers are a tree that bears cones and evergreen needlelike or scalelike leaves. If you have conifer trees you may have to worry about Adelgids, which are are aphid-like insects that suck the sap from conifers. Adelgids can cause distortion of shoots, affecting the appearance of trees. Yellow, winged adults leave galls in late summer and lay eggs on […]